THE General Election campaign was only a week underway when local Scottish Labour candidate Martin McCluskey had brought senior Labour Party figures Keir Starmer, Anas Sarwar, Jackie Baillie, Angela Rayner and Ed Miliband to a summit here in Inverclyde.

Travelling around the area and speaking at a big event in Greenock’s Beacon Arts Centre, Scottish and UK party leaders joined Martin to talk about Labour’s plans for Scotland and the UK. Keir Starmer and Ed Miliband then went straight to Inverclyde’s ports to show how the new GB Energy will work for people in our area and across Scotland.
Bringing these leaders together here in Greenock, as Martin McCluskey did, is more than simply a General Election event. It shows a strong co-ordination between Labour in Inverclyde, across Scotland and right through the UK which gives us the best chance we have had in a long time to deliver change.

If we elect Martin McCluskey as our next MP, we know he will be working with all key figures in the UK Government so that Inverclyde and Renfrewshire West can tap into every available opportunity.

Even John Swinney is saying now that there will be a Labour Government. If that is the case it’s better to have a Labour MP working with the Government than an SNP MP sat on the opposition benches voting against the changes Labour puts forward.
Martin McCluskey’s ambition for our area is in stark contrast to his political opponents who are yet to bring any sort of visit, promise or energy to their campaigns.
John Leck
Octavia Terrace