IN to reply to Tom Tracey’s letter, criticising Stephen McCabe for associating the SNP with the word ‘cult’ I, and many others I reckon, have the same thoughts based on the persistent argument for independence from those who write into this page.

Tom Tracey criticises a Labour Council Tax increase as it would have affected his standard of living, yet last year the SNP Government held a consultation on increasing council tax for band E to H properties by between 7.5% and 22.5% - as they did a few years earlier targeting the same group of tax payers, pushing ahead until the realisation they are not as popular with the electorate as they vainly thought.

Would Mr Tracey have criticised that policy had it gone through? I doubt it very much. I reckon he would have just sucked it up, applauding the beloved leadership for their progressive taxation strategy. 

Weeks earlier Mrs Tracey wrote into this page criticising Stephen McCabe for the £18k administration costs to the council tax payer following the reversal of the proposed council tax rise. I laughed out loud when I read that letter.

There are two vanity project ferries in Inverclyde that to date have cost the taxpayer almost £400 million, commissioned and overseen by the SNP Government.

If those ferries ever sail on liquefied natural gas I will buy a hat and eat it. What a waste of money, and the impact this has had on island communities relying on the ferries is a scandal.

Again I don’t think I have ever read one criticism of this eye watering waste of money from Mrs Tracey, so I reckon Councillor McCabe should be forgiven for pushing to raise much needed funds for local services.

How many teachers, doctors, police, social care jobs would the ferry money have funded? Blaming local authorities and Westminster doesn't wash any more. These two examples demonstrate that some SNP supporters wear rose tinted glasses when it comes to the decisions the SNP makes. 

The SNP has been too focussed on keeping the Green Party vanity projects on board to stay in power.

Name and address supplied.