HAVING read the column written by the Provost of Inverclyde re the Orange Order parade tomorrow, I wish to make a few points.

Whilst I understand what he was trying to achieve, he certainly hasn’t done so. In fact he has totally insulted a major part of local society.

His column is outrageous. This parade is being inflicted on the people of Gourock and is no way seen as 'a spectacle'!

In the column he refers to 'Tim’s', a totally derogatory insult to Catholics. As it would have been if he had referred to Protestants as 'huns'. As the Provost of Inverclyde, he is surely aware he represents all people despite colour, religion or none.

In today’s modern Scotland, we have no place for such derogatory language. Indeed I suspect it would be classed as a hate crime.

I would like you re-visit this and suggest to the Provost he needs to fully apologise to people of Catholic beliefs in Inverclyde for the hurt he has caused.

You will read that people feel he should be resigning his position as Provost because of this.

I would prefer a positive response and a full apology published in the Telegraph asap from him.

I, like many others, are leaving Gourock tomorrow to escape this  sectarian nonsense in the 21st century.

The Provost mentions cruise ships. I hope the passengers get on coaches and head out of the area to escape witnessing Inverclyde in 2024. Many of these cruise ship passengers will be members of the worldwide Catholic Church. I can only anticipate how they may feel if they realised it’s to celebrate anti Catholicism.

Disgusted Gourockian

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