I WOULD like to thank the many wonderful people of Inverclyde that it has been my privilege to represent over the past nine years.

I met so many fantastic individuals and organisations and I appreciate just how important they are to our community.

I have hugely enjoyed my time as the Member of Parliament but as I hand over the position, I know that I shall not miss everything.

I won’t miss the interminably boring voting process at the end of very long days. I won’t miss the self-serving windbags that make twenty minutes speeches to say what could be said in two. I won’t miss the mice and rats that scuttle around the crumbling damp alleys of the Palace of Westminster.

I won’t miss the grind of travelling up and down to London. I won’t miss the vast amount of research papers that had to be read and consumed.

I won’t miss the torrent of abuse that I received through social media, email and in person from small-minded, petty, ignorant, spiteful people.

But all of that pales into insignificance compared to the pleasure and joy of representing the good people of Inverclyde for nine years. The good stuff far outweighs the bad.

The events that I have been invited to. The organisations and companies that engaged with me and opened their doors to me. The satisfaction of helping people, often at the worst of times.

But most of all I shall miss regular contact with the amazing people of Inverclyde that selflessly contribute so much to our community. It has been an honour to represent all of you.

I shall miss my team who have contributed so much and helped so many. They have supported me in my duties and been professional, kind and humorous over the years. They have held me to account and ensured I stayed true. I owe them an enormous amount.

Thank you, Iain, Jenn, Colin, Louise, Rhiannon, Agnes, Saskia and Keith.

Finally, thank you for the support and encouragement that many have shown to me since I was voted out.

I am fortunate to be surrounded by the encouragement and support of friends and family and I recognise its true worth. I wish you all peace, love and understanding.

Ronnie Cowan