I read the recent articles in the Tele about road closures leading to delays with a sense of disappointment.

Yet again we have stories with a glass half empty slant. It would be better if we took a glass half full attitude to this and gave credit where credit is due.

The reason that these roads were being repaired was because they were in a bad state and people were complaining about this to the relevant bodies.

Those relevant bodies – Inverclyde Council, through their roads department, and the Scottish Government, through Transport Scotland and their contractors – have done what they are supposed to do, and repaired roads that were broken and full of potholes.

The very people who complain about the delays caused by roadworks, etc are the very same people who would complain even louder if the roads were not fixed!

So, as I say, let us give credit to both Inverclyde Council and the Scottish government for finding the resources to make these repairs and so make driving in Inverclyde much more comfortable.

Tom Tracey

Merino Road, Greenock