WEST Indian cricketing test legend Gordon Greenidge, who was professional for Greenock Cricket Club in 1990 and 1992, returned to the Glenpark club on Saturday.

His welcome presence was to be part of one of a series of events marking the club's 150th anniversary - and also to rekindle friendships with former players and members of the club.

Long-standing member and past president Hugh McClure - along with his wife Joan and family - donated a new flag for the 150th anniversary which will be flown from the main pole above the clubhouse. The official unfurling ceremony took place between innings during Saturday's cup match against Falkland and Gordon Greenidge was on hand to raise the flag.

Following a warm welcome from Greenock Club president Peter Hempsey - in front of a sizeable crowd who had come along for the match - Gordon stated that he was very pleased to return once again to Glenpark and congratulated the club on reaching its 150th anniversary.

He said: "Greenock Cricket Club still holds a very special place in my life." At the end of the ceremony, the flag was lowered to half mast in respect of former 2nd XI Captain John Drummond who died on Wednesday of last week.