GREENOCK Morton Hockey second team notched an impressive 3-0 home victory over Hillhead on Saturday to get back to winning ways following defeat to Ayr their last league game.

The home team started strongly with Jake McCabe causing the visitors' defence problems and veteran Graeme Quigley controlling midfield.

The breakthrough came in the 18th minute with Harry Weld-Forrester applied a smart finish following some nice approach play from Greenock’s forward line.

Following the goal, the Greenock team dominated possession and enjoyed some sustained pressure. They came close to scoring a second on a few occasions before an Alan Gemmell deflection at the top of the circle wrong footed the goalkeeper to make it 2-0 not long before half-time.

The visitors reorganised at half-time and came out fighting with renewed vigour.

Greenock goalkeeper Hamish Weld-Forrester had to be at his best to repel a series of short corners, one double save being particularly impressive.

With vital assistance from man of the match Callum Dyer, and fellow defenders Ciaran Prabhu and Aidan Canning, Greenock gradually worked their way back into the game and half way through the second half they stretched their lead to 3-0.

The third goal came from a solo effort from Innes Brown who weaved past three defenders before dispatching a reverse stick shot across the keeper.

Greenock Morton continued to have the better of the play for the rest of the second half, with Finn McCabe and Barry Higgins controlling possession, they comfortably saw out the rest of the game for a well deserved victory.