GOUROCK Golf Club recently held its annual ladies’ championship, with the defending champion being pipped at the post for the 2024 title.

The championship was played stroke play format over two rounds.

Emma Boyd, who won the 2023 title, was in the lead by two points after round one.

Joanne Wallace and Emma BoydJoanne Wallace and Emma Boyd (Image: Gourock Golf Club)

However, former champion Joanne Wallace made a spirited response in the second round and after a hotly contested final match, was declared the overall winner by one point.

The Thomson Trophy, the club’s handicap prize, was won by Anne Clark with an aggregate score of 147.

Ladies captain Elizabeth T Rankin said: “The competition was played in great golfing spirit and was celebrated with a delicious afternoon tea at which the trophies were presented.

Elizabeth Rankin and Anne ClarkElizabeth Rankin and Anne Clark (Image: Gourock Golf Club)

“It was lovely to see so many ladies, gents and sponsors attending the celebrations, including some of the section’s more mature ladies who no longer play golf but keep a keen interest in the ladies’ section and the golf club.”

Elizabeth also thanked the Ladies Match and Handicap team for organising the competition in conjunction with the Ladies’ Section Committee, as well as sponsors and those who attended the afternoon tea.