SEAFARERS braved the waves to raise money for charity at Royal Gourock Yacht Club’s annual raft race last weekend.

Teams from across Inverclyde assembled rafts and competed against each other, with many of the groups bringing in cash for worthy causes in the process.

Despite poor weather being forecasted earlier in the week, the skies were clear enough for the event to go ahead.

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The yacht club’s social convenor Alison Allan told the Telegraph that the event had been another big success.

She said: “The RNLI were in attendance, and they had a stall there, we had Brass Sounds Inverclyde playing on the balcony and a barbecue as well.

“It was a family fun day that was open to the whole community. It’s always good fun and it’s a busy day.

“It was great to bring more folk into the club and everyone who took part was great.

“Each raft has its own sponsorship and if they wish to they can be sponsored for a favourite charity.

“In years gone by we’ve raised money for everything from the Gourock Bunny Park to the RNLI to kidney dialysis.”

The winning senior team was Motley Crew and was captained by Iain Rankin, whose young grandson Fox had come all the way from Melbourne, Australia to watch his grandfather.

The Olympians took home the prize for best raft and the yacht club’s cadet section one the junior prize.

Alison said the event had been made possible thanks the efforts of yacht club members and the kindness of several sponsors and supporters.

She added: “Dominoes donated lots of pizzas for us and Ross and Fullarton gave us the pallets for the raft, we also had help from Hugh Pyper and Inverheat, who paid for the entertainment.

“We couldn’t have done it without these guys.

“I want to say a thank you to everyone who came and helped make it a wonderful day.”