A PORT Glasgow powerhouse who took up a strength sport at the age of 55 little more than a year ago has been selected to represent Scotland in a prestigious global competition. 

Linda McHaffie started powerlifting at McGowan Fitness Training last year, and her skills have now won her a place at the Commonwealth Powerlifting and Bench Press Championships in South Africa.

The staff nurse, who is based at Port Glasgow Health Centre and is part of Inverclyde's school immunisation team, says her journey to the contest started with doing her 'own thing' at the gym. 

Linda, 56, said representing Scotland is definitely a 'bucket list moment'. 

She told the Tele: "I had no idea that I was going to be good at powerlifting. 

"If I had known, I would have started earlier! 

"I was proud as punch to find out I got into the competition and had a wee tear."

Linda started working with gym owner and personal trainer David McGowan soon after she took her first steps to improve her fitness. 

Linda McHaffie with Joe Thomson and David McGowan
David noticed how much she was lifting, and approached her about getting involved in another class. 

She added: "I just started going to the gym to lift weights. 

"David saw what I was doing and said I should come to powerlifting. 

"I had a fitness test and strength test and they revealed that I had this hidden talent. 

"I've not looked back since.

"It's a great class and they're a great group of people."

As a powerlifter, Linda has to perform squat, bench, and deadlift actions, and the combination of these totals has won her the place in the competition. 

Linda can currently lift a total of 342.5kg, almost 54 stone in 'old money'.

She is up to 145kg for her squat, the equivalent of two people each weighing 11 stone, as well as 67.5kg for bench, and 140kg for deadlift. 

Linda said she wants to add to her totals in preparation for the contest.

The sportswoman's first competition was the Scottish Powerlifting Open back in February which she says was 'an experience' as she was the oldest person there. 

She said being selected to represent Scotland in South Africa is still sinking in. 

Linda added: "When I got the email, I read it wrong the first time. 

"I thought I was on the reserve list but then I clicked on it and saw my name in bold. 

"My family are all over the moon. I'm very proud of what I've achieved in such a short space of time."

To take part in the competition, Linda has to be in South Africa from October 4 to 13, and has to raise around £3,500 to fund the trip herself. 

She's hosting a race night at the Hibs Hall in Port Glasgow on Saturday to generate funds, and has already received a grant for £250 from Inverclyde Sports Council. 

Her friend Joe Thomson will be climbing Ben Nevis to raise cash too. 

(Image: Alex Craig)
Linda said she's so thankful for the support she's received and has no nerves about travelling on her own. 

She added: "I know I'll meet people when I get there but I can't even imagine what it's going to be like at this point. 

"My advice for people would be don't worry about anyone else or anything else. 

"Just do it for yourself and go for it."

David McGowan, owner of McGowan Fitness Training and personal trainer, said he's very proud of Linda and everything she's achieving. 

He said: "It's unreal what she's moving.

"To be selected for your country just under a year after you've taken up a sport is unbelievable. 

"She's a really nice woman and has a heart of gold. At 56 she's showing people that it's never too late."

To book tickets for Saturday night get in touch with Linda at www.facebook.com/linda.mchaffie