STORM Ashley couldn't quite do enough to derail the kids taking part in the latest instalment of the Battery Park Junior Park Run.

Gusts of wind of up to 80pmh hadn't quite reached the Firth of Clyde by 9.30am, which meant that spots of rain didn't stop 11 enthusiastic junior parkrunners and 15 volunteers take part in today's parkrun.

Last week, the event welcomed first timer Che.  

First to finish this week was Elijah in 08:18.  Hot on his heels little under a minute later was Rudy. Claiming the final place on the podium, of the top three boys was Rudi who finished in 10:36.

For the girls, Faye was first to complete the course in 09:08.  There was over a two minute gap before her next opponent would cross the line.

In 11:38, Lucy would take the runners-up crown in that regard, whilst Zoe completed the top three girls in 14:36.

Sunday, October 27 is the group's Hallowe'en junior parkrun, and a spokesperson added: "We would love to see all our runners (and volunteers) dressed up."