CAPPIELOW hosted a festive feast as participants from Morton in the Community’s various groups enjoyed an afternoon of Christmas fun. 

More than 60 people took part the SPFL Trust-backed ‘festive friends’ event at the Ton’s home stadium, which the club’s charity arm has been running annually since 2017.

After enjoying a delicious dinner with all the trimmings, everyone took part in a fun quiz.

Many of those who sat down for their meal were regulars at groups and activities run by the charity.

The dinner was the Ton trust's final big event in what has been a very busy tenth anniversary year. 

Greenock Telegraph: Morton in the Community hold festive friends event at Cappielow.

Morton in the Community chief executive Brian McLaughlin said: “This was probably the highlight of the whole year for me and it was great to see the staff getting to have their lunch as well, they work so hard.

“It’s so important to be able to invite our participants along to an event like this, it’s a great chance for them to make some new friends and have a bit of fun. 

“It was brilliant, the atmosphere was laid back and you could tell everyone is having a great time.”

Brian told the Tele the meal was the perfect way to cap off a successful birthday year.

Greenock Telegraph: Morton in the Community hold festive friends event at Cappielow.

He added: “It has been a really good year. We’ve engaged with so many people, we’ve added additional programmes and we’ve probably worked with the most amount of people we ever have in a single year. 

“The tenth birthday celebrations were a big highlight this year and we ran an ‘evening with Morton’ event at the club too which was a real community affair. 

“We also added a women’s recreational football group which has been a big success and now have 30 women playing football with Morton who never played before. 

“The other highlights have been adding staff - the people we’ve brought in buy into what we do and it’s great to work with them. 

“It’s been a brilliant 12 months and the Christmas dinner was the perfect way to round things off.”